Paint & Coating Test Instruments

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Tuotteen Kuvaus:

Qualtechin tuoteteollisuus ISO 534 automaattinen paperin paksuusmittari on ammattilainen ISO 534 Paper and Cardboard Thickness Meter mittaamaan välittömästi Sheet Thickness of Paper Samples and Cardboard Samples at the touch of a button. This professional ISO 534 Paper and Board Thickness Tester instantly determines the thickness of a single piece of paper or a single piece of cardboard as well as of a pack of paper sheets and cardboard sheets and automatically calculates the Paper Density mukaisesti ISO 534. The integrated Mini Printer allows for direct printing and instant printing of sample test results. This high precision ISO 534 Paper and Board Thickness Meter is suitable for a wide range of samples including Paper, Cardboard, Fabrics, Textiles, PVC Film, Foils, Membranes, Insulation Materials and many more.

The ISO 534 Test Method is performed with a high-precision Työsatula engineered to measure the thickness of thin and solid samples including Paper Sheet, Cardboard, Fabrics, Textiles, PVC Film, Foils, Membranes, Insulation Material and related sample materials. The thickness of the sample is measure by non-destructive mechanical contact. The ISO 534 Test Method A is for Paper Samples and suggests a sample thickness in the range form 0mm - 4mm and a surface area of 200mm². The ISO 534 Test Method B is for Cardboard Samples and suggests a sample thickness in the range form 0mm - 8mm and a surface area of 1000mm². The ISO 534 -satula is available for manual sample measurements and for fully automatic sample measurements using an advanced ISO 534 Paper Thickness Meter with a large Color Touchscreen and a seamless PC Connectivity. After the thickness of the Paper Sheet or the Cardboard Sheet has been determined the ISO 534 Test Standard presents additional calculation methods to further determine the Density of your Paper Sample ja Specific Volume of your Paper Sample.

Tämä ammattilainen ISO 534 Automatic Paper Thickness Tester is designed and engineered offering the newest microchip technology combined with a large Color Touchscreen Display, Automatic Paper Thickness Measurement, Automatic Paper Density Calculation, real-time Test Monitoring, advanced precision engineered Sample Holder, precision engineered Caliper, efficient and safe Test Application, high-precision Thickness Measurement, user-friendly Application, user-friendly Sample Handling, user-friendly Menu Navigation, High Accuracy & High Precision, integrated Mini Printer, Direct Printing, reliable Performance, ergonomic Design and much more.

This professional ISO 534 Paper Sheet Thickness Meter is designed and engineered in accordance with international test standards including:

ISO 534 Electronic Paper & Board Thickness & Density Meter  - Sovellus:

The ISO 534 Electronic Paper Thickness Meter on ammattilainen ISO 534 Automatic Paper and Cardboard Thickness Meter mittaamaan välittömästi Sheet Thickness of Paper Samples and Cardboard Samples at the touch of a button. This professional ISO 534 Paper and Board Thickness Tester instantly determines the thickness of a single piece of paper or a single piece of cardboard as well as of a pack of paper sheets and cardboard sheets and automatically calculates the Paper Density in accordance with ISO 534. This high precision ISO 534 Paper and Board Thickness Meter is suitable for a wide range of samples including Paper, Cardboard, Fabrics, Textiles, PVC Film, Foils, Membranes, Insulation Materials and many more.

The ISO 534 Test Method is performed with a high-precision Työsatula engineered to measure the thickness of thin and solid samples including Paper Sheet, Cardboard, Fabrics, Textiles, PVC Film, Foils, Membranes, Insulation Material and related sample materials. The thickness of the sample is measure by non-destructive mechanical contact. The ISO 534 Test Method A is for Paper Samples and suggests a sample thickness in the range form 0mm - 4mm and a surface area of 200mm². The ISO 534 Test Method B is for Cardboard Samples and suggests a sample thickness in the range form 0mm - 8mm and a surface area of 1000mm². The ISO 534 -satula is available for manual sample measurements and for fully automatic sample measurements using an advanced ISO 534 Paper Thickness Meter with a large Color Touchscreen and a seamless PC Connectivity. After the thickness of the Paper Sheet or the Cardboard Sheet has been determined the ISO 534 Test Standard presents additional calculation methods to further determine the Density of your Paper Sample ja Specific Volume of your Paper Sample.

ISO 534 Automatic Cardboard Sheet Thickness Meter - Ominaisuudet:

  • Uusin mikrosirutekniikka
  • Suuri värillinen kosketusnäyttö
  • Automatic Paper Thickness Measurement
  • Automatic Paper Density Calculation
  • Reaaliaikainen testin seuranta
  • Suoratulostus
  • Integroitu minitulostin
  • Advanced precision engineered Caliper
  • Flexibility & intuitive Thickness Measurement
  • Advanced precision engineered Sample Holder
  • Efficient & safe Test Application
  • High-precision Thickness Measurement
  • Käyttäjäystävällinen sovellus
  • Käyttäjäystävällinen näytteenkäsittely
  • Käyttäjäystävällinen valikon navigointi
  • Suuri tarkkuus ja korkea tarkkuus
  • Ergonominen muotoilu ja luotettava suorituskyky
  • Engineered in accordance with international test standards including ISO 438, ISO 534

ISO 534 Automatic Paper Thickness Tester - Tekniset tiedot:

Uusin mikrosirutekniikkaJoo
Suuri värillinen kosketusnäyttöJoo
Mittausalue0mm - 4mm
Display Range0mm - 12mm
Sample Measurement Pressure100kPa
Sample Measurement Area200mm²
Käyttäjäystävällinen sovellusJoo
Käyttäjäystävällinen näytteenkäsittelyJoo
Intuitiivinen valikon navigointiJoo
Suuri tarkkuus ja korkea tarkkuusJoo
Integroidut turvaominaisuudetJoo
Ergonominen muotoilu ja luotettava suorituskykyJoo
Jännite100VAC - 240VAC 50Hz/60Hz
Engineered in accordance with international test standards including ISO 438, ISO 534

ISO 534 Automatic Paper & Board Thickness Tester – Mukana olevat tuotteet:

  • ISO 534 Automatic Paper & Board Thickness Tester
  • Lisätarvikkeet
  • Mini tulostin
  • Huolellisesti kalibroitu
  • Kalibrointitodistus
  • Laatusertifikaatti
  • Ohjekirja
  • Pidennetty takuu

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Yksi asiantuntijoistamme vastaa kyselyysi pian. Vaihtoehtoisesti voit ottaa meihin yhteyttä yritystietojen kautta Yhdysvalloissa, Australiassa tai Isossa-Britanniassa.

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